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Clean Construction and Demolition Debris

Project Summary: 

Mostardi Platt managed the excess soil from development of a commercial site in the Chicago area. Samples from a stockpile of 6,500 tons of soil contained Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) test concentration of manganese above the allowable standard. The estimated cost of disposal of the soil as special waste was approximately $500,000.

Scope of Work:

The scope of work consisted of re-evaluation of the stockpile to determine if the material could be managed as clean construction or demolition debris (CCDD) or clean fill.  Mostardi Platt confirmed with the IEPA that the concentrations of manganese could be evaluated using the Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) analytical test instead of the TCLP test.

In general, the SPLP leachable test simulates the leachable portion of a metal from soil in relation to acid rain exposure. In contrast, the TCLP test simulates the harsh conditions of landfill leachate and uses a much stronger acid in the laboratory extraction.

Mostardi Platt collected 18 soil samples from the stockpile and analyzed each sample using the SPLP test for manganese. The analysis discovered the samples were either non-detect for manganese or below the most stringent allowable concentration for manganese.

Mostardi Platt prepared the necessary clean construction and demolition debris certification for the 6,500 tons of soil. The certification included an explanation of both the TCLP and SPLP data, which demonstrated that the SPLP data was valid. The SPLP data was used as the basis for classifying the soil as CCDD

Lastly, the CCDD landfill approved the certification and agreed to accept the material as CCDD. The cost for disposal of the 6,500 tons of soil as clean construction debris was approximately $150,000. Mostardi Platt’s re-evaluation of the stockpiled soil using the SPLP analyses resulted in a project savings of approximately $350,000


Mostardi Platt
888 Industrial Drive
Elmhurst, Il 60126


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