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Allison Templin

OSHA 300A Form Due March 1

2022’s OSHA 300A Form data is due March 2, 2023. The OSHA 300A form is a reporting form that lists the information of employee illnesses and injuries in a workplace for a single calendar year. This form assists OSHA, employers and employees in evaluating the safety of a facility. The collected data works to reduce […]

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Safety in Winter Warming

Stay Safe Warming Your Home: As the coldest of the winter months approach the United States, most homes across the states will be heated with either portable heaters, furnaces, fireplaces or generators.  Each of these home warming devices pose hazards such as fires and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. These risks can affect any home; however,

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Mostardi Platt Conducts Environmental Risks and Liability Evaluation

Project Summary: An industrial client was looking to acquire an existing Styrene Manufacturing Plant in the Midwest. Mostardi Platt performed a desktop due diligence as well as a regulatory compliance evaluation. These evaluations allowed potential liabilities and environmental risks to be identified if the client were to acquire the plant. Scope of Work A desktop

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Subsurface investigation

Subsurface Investigation

Mostardi Platt recently completed a subsurface investigation for real estate developer client that acquired a property previously operating as a gas station. A comprehensive No Further Remediation Letter (NFR) was required by the lender who was funding the new development of the property.  To obtain the NFR Letter, Mostardi Platt enrolled the property into the

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The Clean Water Act Turns 50

In October of 1972, the Clean Water Act (CWA) was passed to establish the basic structure for regulating the discharge of pollutants in the water. Through the CWA the EPA has been able to implement pollution control programs such as setting standards for wastewater. Prior to the CWA, a similar act named the Federal Water

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Temporary Workers

Generally, temporary workers are those who are employed by staffing agencies. Temps are employees paid by a staffing agency while working for a host employer. Temporary workers may be eligible for full time positions with a host employer depending on their performance. Both the host employer and the staffing agency are shared employers of these

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PFAS Substances to be Classified as Hazardous

Two polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) –perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS)– are under proposal by the EPA to be listed as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). Both chemicals are found or used in making a variety of products including carpets, clothing, furniture fabrics and packaging for cookware. In

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HFCs Emitted from Commerical Grocerer

HFCs Emissions Limits to be Reduced

Proposal In an announcement made Thursday October 20, the EPA proposed to cut the emissions of widely used super pollutants -Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) from air conditioning and refrigeration. This is the most recent step in efforts to decline the use of greenhouse gases and combat the climate crisis. The new proposed rule would lower allowances for

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Underground Storage Tank Removal

Underground Storage Tank Removal

Project Summary A lender client asked that an underground storage tank be removed from the property prior to sale. Scope of Work The lender foreclosed on this property, where an underground storage tank was located. An interested buyer was identified by the lender but required that the tank be removed prior to closing on the

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