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OSHA 300A Form Due March 1

2022’s OSHA 300A Form data is due March 2, 2023.

The OSHA 300A form is a reporting form that lists the information of employee illnesses and injuries in a workplace for a single calendar year. This form assists OSHA, employers and employees in evaluating the safety of a facility. The collected data works to reduce and eliminate hazards that could lead to future illnesses and injuries in the workplace.

Since the 300A form was established in 1971, these logs essentially have served and still serve as the main source of data for workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities. There are, however, exceptions to what injuries and illnesses need to be recorded through the log.

Employers required to submit form 300A data include:

For more information about the 300A log and how to submit it visit:

Injury Tracking Application (ITA) | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (

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